Learn how to create habits that stick in just five minutes a day. Is there something you know would change your life for the better, but you're missing out because you can't get motivated to do it consistently? Do you ever find even if you have temporary success making good choices, you fail to make lasting change and eventually go back to your old ways? The problem isn't that you're weak-willed. The real problem is you're taking the wrong approach. You're not utilizing the proven scientific insights discovered in modern psychological research that show how you can transform your habits in the shortest amount of time possible and get a truly lasting change. The Healthy Habit Revolution takes cutting-edge research from behavioral, cognitive, and human-needs psychology and puts it into a simple daily step-by-step blueprint for creating better habits.Even if you only have five minutes a day, you can add these steps to your daily routine to almost effortlessly change your life.
What to expect from your 21 day healthy-habit challenge: You'll be given step-by-step program that will show you...